Tuesday, 18 November 2014


Satire is a type of literature that preaches abuse, ridicule and all problems within the world but they revealed and expressed these problems by using the elements such as sarcasm and humour. the most common ways satire is expressed is through illustration, and I believe the reason this is because with illustration you can create a witty character to represent the topic and give off a hole world of sarcasm, humour and irony within the problem that the illustrator is focusing on.

In fact satire isn't even meant to be funny its meant to represent problems in politics religion and other serious topics to a less intelligent audience and im not saying this to be harsh but i am saying this because the people in the upper class of society would understand problems with just words but people in a lower class of society wouldn't be to largely interested in just words so this is how magazines and newspapers use illustrations to grab peoples attention and make people aware of the problems in society.

Here are some artists who use satire through illustration.

Morten Morland.
Here Morten has done a illustration of the grim reaper throwing swine flu like they are cricket balls while their is a cricket player about to bat the swine flu away and this picture uses satire from the quote "BATTING AGAINST SWINE FLU ..." , and from this quote he has created this image. You can see that he has used the grim reaper as the pitcher because he resembles death and he is throwing a deadly disease at you and he has illustrated a batter in cricket to whack the swine flu away from him and this shows that the cricketer is taking a stand against swine flu.

Peter Brookes.

 Here peter has illustrated 6 politicians and for 5 of them he has put a quote from them greatest speachs and it shows why they were such great monarchs of their time and for the sixth politician he has illustrated a confused David Cameron with the quote "ER", and to me this shows that not only has not given people of this generation insperation and hope he also is confused with him self and hasnt done anything for his country.
I like how peter has given the other illustrations of the politicians a detailed masculine look to them and then he has illustrated David Cameron almost like a rosey cheeked child that looks like it has done something wrong by how his hand is over his mouth.

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