People get mixed up with industries and agencies and from what ive seen through my lectures is that in industries you have to work for the industry and take the work that they give to you and it overall gives you a lot less freedom, were in a agency its just a collective of free lance illustrators who pay the agency for advertisement basically but the illustrators still find their work and can choose what work they want to do for the agencies. This is a link to a industry of children book illustrators. What I see from the layout of the web page is how the theme they have used works well with all of the illustrators work and the colors that are used in the layout of the webpage, the colors achieve a bright vibrant setting that is considered appealing to children.
In one of the lectures at uni we got shown a industry that really stud out to me, ILoveDust,
What i like about this company is how each illustrator stands out from the rest with either their bold lining or their limited but vibrant colors, they work that i mainly like from this industry is the more cartoony but realistic stuff.
This piece is called " 10 Years In The Game ", this piece is a screen print for their 10 year aniversery.
Going into a industry is just one of the many ways that you can advertise your self, freelance, collaborations and exhibitions are they other most known ways to advertise your self and making contacts.
Freelancing is were you find your own contracts and you can either work in your studio or at home without anyone telling you what to do, freelancing is the most common and beneficial choice of illustrators because they get to choose the work they want to create and they dont take any pay cuts from a industry, also if you are a free lance illustrator you can choose your own style and colors that you want to incorporate into a piece were if you worked in a industry you might be restricted from doing so because they might have a certain color pallet that you must use.
Here are some of my favourite free lance illustrators. , Dan Mumford is one of my favourite illustrators because through his work he clearly expresses his love for horror and scifi and he has managed to incorporate his hobbys into his work through the line work and colors that he has used. With Dan being a free lance illustrator he could look for his own work and he could choose whether he wanted to do it or not so he was able to choose what work suited him the most and appealed to him, if Dan had worked in a industry he might not of been able to express him self through his work as he has been doing for the past few years.
When you do freelance work you need to find your own ways to get your name noticed and to build up your client list, the best way to do that is through networking, such as exhibitions, creative and original c.vs, social media sites. The most common way people find a job is through c.vs, most people create c.vs that just contain text and start with dear sir / madam, or along them lines, but when it comes to illustration the more creative and original the c.v design the better your chances are in getting work from the companies you send them to.
Exhibitions are good places to show off your work and to meet potential clients and build your contact base up. Exhibitions are one of the best ways to get your work noticed by some of the biggest names in illustration and some large companies that will need illustration work doing for them.
Social media sites can be much more then just talking to your friends, Facebook has the biggest fan base in the world for social media sites, so if you put your work onto them and millions of people can see them and share them with all of their friends and followers, but if you do upload them to a social networking site make sure that its all for work so it looks professional.
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