During my first module in first year we had to complete 5 units, these units were, Reportage, Animals and Creatures, People and Characters, Digital manipulation and Book of Drawings, in each one of these units I experienced and gained knowledge that you need to be in the illustration community, from Reportage I learned how to create accurate proportions and scenery illustrations, in Animals and Creatures I learned how to create different textures for the skin or fur of the creatures while also learning how to create odd shaped features that animals have, People and Characters taught me how to work in a group and how to split work loads in to even piles for each member of the group and how to trust the other members, Digital manipulation wasn't one of my most favourite of the units but I learned the basics of editing software's and how to create a simple hand rendered design into a detailed and clean illustration, but from this unit I learned more from getting inspiration from fellow students then I did from actual illustrators and finally the Book of Drawings, this unit was the most difficult one for me because not only did you have to research artists you had to research how to build the book whether it was a hardback, paper back or a zine, but for me the most difficult part was how to create a book that was original, appealing but also met the criteria of the Book of Drawings, so what I learned from this unit is how to figure out ways to solve a problem or how to work with a problem that is presented to you.
In the unit Reportage we had to complete 10 sketch books with illustrations using reportage and I think the hole course thought doing 10 sketch books in 2 weeks seemed difficult because most of us never had to do that, but when we managed to get the hang of things and then thought of ways to solve the problem such as creating our own books with lesser pages in the unit became easy and much more enjoyable knowing it was hard to fall behind in.
Animals and Creatures was personally one of my favourites because not only did we have a pleasure of meeting some lovely creatures at the university we also got to visit a zoo and improve our proportions and textures for illustration, what made this unit really fun though was how we had a large amount of freedom on what we had to create for the finals, the 5 sketches books that needed to be done was a bit difficult because we had to have a mixture of secondary source animals and illustrations of the creatures we seen in real life and on top of that we needed a mixture of rough sketches of the animals and detailed pieces of them.
People and Creatures was one of the more stressy units out of the 5 because of being put into a group of people, the reason I found this to be a slight problem is because if I make a mistake in my work it only effects me but if I make a mistake in a group piece it will effect the over all group and that put quite a bit of stress on me, also you feel like you are in a competition to see who does the better work and if you feel like your work isn't as good as the other members it can really be a hard hit to your confidence, but either way I enjoyed and I liked how when we were designing what we wanted to put up on the wall we all give in our ideas and we all met at an agreement that would include at least 1 idea from the each of us, also how we split the work up into even sections helped us complete the piece much faster then if we gave one person more then other members.
Out of all of the units Digital Manipulation was my least favourite because for me the hole idea of digital illustration makes me think of digital painting and I don't find that sort of illustration to appealing, mainly because the illustration seems flat and loses all of its natural textures, but I understand people who use it to enhance the detail and colouring in hand rendered pieces of work, like for this unit I scanned in everyone one of my illustrations and then made them digital from either making them look smoother or creating a duplicated pattern out of the original image. I am not going to lie, but in this unit I didn't try as hard as I should have and I that is because, one the computers were taken most of the time, 2 you had to learn how to use the software which isn't very me because I learn better from being hands on then actually reading up on something, but never the less I will learn my way around editing software's and I will use them to help enhance my hand rendered images to make them more appealing and professional.
The Book of Drawings was a bit of a weird unit because it was the one that gave you the most freedom and I found out early on in this unit that the research I was doing was helpful but it wasn't as helpful as the other units, because I didn't want to create just a regular old hardback that you can see hundreds of videos on online, I wanted to make something that I personally thought of and the idea completely belongs to me, but by me thinking like this I also had to think of using a style that was also original to me so that consisted of me doing a lot of messing around illustrations trying to find the technique that I wanted to use, at the beginning of this unit all I new was that I wanted to include reportage some how, but after I figured what I wanted the book to look like and what the style of illustration I wanted it to be in creating the book became the easy bit. Over all I enjoyed this unit because it is the one that needed me to use the most imagination and it taught me how to think of ways to either solve a problem I was having or how to work with a problem.
In this module I have learned how to manage my time much better and I am slowly starting to feel comfortable with my own designs then something I tried to recreate of off the internet like I did when I was at school and partially in college, the main thing out of the module that I can think of to improve for the next module is completing the blogs as early as possible so you don't need to back track and waste more valuable time you could be spending on other work. In my conclusion I have enjoyed this module and I am more then looking forward to my second module to start.