Sunday, 4 January 2015

Digital manipulation ( Artist Aaron Campbell )

I am fairly new to the work of Aaron Campbell but what i have seen from his work have impressed me greatly and i wish to carry on seeing more original and creative illustrations by him, one of the reasons why i like his work is by how he has used a simpler illustration style but he has used digital shading to such a level that it makes the illustrations simple side get over shadowed by the detailed and precision of the shading. His work reminds me of the opening to Dreamworks movies by how it has used faded colours and child like elements.

Here is one of his illustrations and the thing that appeals to me first isnt actually the centre image of the man driving the truck but its the weird bubble like shape of the clouds in the background and i think that this is interesting because not only has he made the main aspect of the image appealing but he has made the background appealing as well.

Here is another illustration that was created by Aaron Campbell but compared to his usual style this one seems to be about more out going by the use of dark and bright bold colours and its lost the child friendly effect to it but its gained a psychedelic effect to it instead but either way both images contain a view of fantasy in them  which do all of his illustrations.

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