Sunday, 11 January 2015

Animals and creatures - Illustrations - ( Illustrations of animals in my 5 sketch books )

In this blog i will be talking about some of the illustrations i have done through my animal unit.

Here i have done a quick illustration of a octopus using a mixture of blues and grays to add shape to the illustration.

For this illustration i have used fine liner to create the out line of the squirrel and i have also used a thinner fine liner to do a lot of different shaped lines to create the texture of the fur for the squirrel, the only colour i have used in this illustration is for the nut that he is holding in his hands, what i like about this illustration is how it still looks like a cartoon in my own style but still has that element of being a realistic drawing.

Here i have used a light blue to line up the proportions of the squirrel and then used a darker blue to go over the proportions that help to build up the overall illustration.

On this page i have done a mixture of spider drawings to help me improve on how i want my spider to look like and as you can see my final spider drawing is of the spider with the pumpkin as its body and the main reason i have done this is because it was a Halloween theme i wanted to include.

In this illustration i have used fine liner to illustrate the skull of a crocodile, i like this illustration because of how precise i have used the lines and how the proportion of its nose bone, jaw and eye sockets are in a similar position to where they really are.

Here i have illustrated a creature design that i have thought up of for a final piece. What i have created is a human like creature that has a human torso, human eye and a human mouth thats just over size but i have given the creature giant pointed ears, sharp carnivorous teeth and claws for its feet. I have used marker pen to colour in and shade in this illustration and i like this design but i think i could put more work in how its feet are positioned. 

For this image i first did a quick line work of a toy of a frog holding a stick in its mouth on the white card, i then cut out certain sections and then placed coloured paper instead of having the hole image in a white silhouette, i then made sure as best as i could to not have the same colours touching and the technique i used for this i known as paper cut. What i like about this piece is how its smaller but original and stands out from the rest of my illustrations of animals.

Here i have used a white pencil on black card to illustrate the head of a crocodile and what i like about this is how i have used random shapes to help build the scales around the crocodiles face without having any of the scales actually touch each other. What i like the most about this isnt the actual illustration its self but its the effect white and black have because if you use black pen on white paper its no different from any other drawing but using white on black paper creates a nice and original effect which stands out.

For this illustration i have used monoprinting and what i like about this technique is how not only do you get the black from the ink you roll on the image but you also receive the excess in that you havnt managed to rub away which gives it a natural background.

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